Malaysian Revenue Law Case Digest by Choong Kwai Fatt


Malaysian Revenue Law Case Digest

Author Choong Kwai Fatt
Publication Date 2013
ISBN 9789674004910
Publisher LexisNexis

Malaysian Revenue Law Case Digest Is a thorough tax case digest covering summarised tax cases, the main points in dispute, and the court's findings.

The concise overview of the cases is complemented with features such as subject headings and cross references to the appeal case, providing the reader with a holistic view of the case's ideas.

Malaysian Revenue Law Case Digest is a very valuable and convenient reference tool that will come in handy when researching relevant tax cases in the event of a tax appeal or even when creating tax planning by businesses that will be in compliance with court interpretations of tax legislation.

Tax is a complex technical issue, and researching tax decisions can be time-consuming. For the reader's convenience, Dr. Choong Kwai Fatt has summarised tax cases dating back to the 1930s. This book is expected to become an essential reference source for every legal practitioner, tax practitioner, tax authority, judge, accountant, tax analyst, tax researcher, business person, and taxpayer who is interested in the interpretation and application of tax legislation.

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SKU: 3967498724 ISBN: 9789674001506

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