Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 15th Edition


Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 15th Edition

Author James Mellor, David Llewelyn, Thomas Moody-Stuart, David Keeling, Iona Berkeley, Kerlys
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 9789384746063
Format Hardcover
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell U.K.


Kerly, now in its 15th edition, is the same authoritative work you've come to expect, but with all the most recent cases, legislation, commentary, and analysis you need to stay current with today's trade mark law and procedure.

  • The law of trade marks and trade names in the United Kingdom is thoroughly explained in Kerly's Law of Trade Marks.
  • Classification, registration (UK & EU), various forms of marks, enforcement, infringement, and litigation are all covered.
  • Includes assignment coverage.
  • Licensing, merchandising, and franchising are all included.
  • Infringement and appropriate remedies are discussed.
  • In the context of trade marks, this article examines mediation and arbitration.
  • The Trade Marks Regulations 2008, the Trade Marks (Earlier Trade Marks) Regulations 2008, and the Community Trade Mark (Amendment) Regulations 2008 are all included.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Kerly's Law of Trade Marks

  • Introduction
  • What is a trade mark in EU law
  • The Register of Trade Marks and the trade mark branch of the Patent Office
  • Classification of goods and services
  • National registration of trade marks
  • Community Trade Marks
  • The Madrid System
  • Absolute grounds
  • Relative grounds
  • Validity and removal of trade marks from the register
  • Geographical indications and appellations of origin
  • Collective and certification marks
  • Assignments
  • Infringement
  • Defences
  • Exhaustions of rights
  • Competition law and trade Marks
  • Passing off
  • Similarity of trade marks assessment
  • Evidence and proving reputation
  • Trade libel and threats
  • Civil proceedings for trade mark infringement and passing off
  • Criminal proceedings
  • Customs powers and procedures
  • Merchandising and trade marks
  • Olympics
  • Specialist tribunals, (i) Company and business names, (ii)Domain name disputes, (iii) ECHR
  • Appendices

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SKU: 3762070238 ISBN: 9789384746063

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