Ananthams' Orthopaedics: Orthopaedics For The Legal Profession


Ananthams' Orthopaedics: Orthopaedics For The Legal Profession

Author Dr John J Anantham and Dr Evelyn J Anantham
Publication Date March 2022
Format Softcover
Publisher Asia Knowledge Resources


Written for legal professionals that deal with personal injury cases and want to learn about the following:

-Simple fundamental anatomy.
-Establish a link between fundamental anatomy and injuries, as well as eventual incapacity.
-Recovery over time and persistent handicap restrictions
-Impairment evolution over time and permanent disability
-Understanding the limits of early medical reports.
-Comprehension of expert reports
-Acquiring the skills to talk to clients about injury and disability and comprehend their difficulties.
-Go beyond the basic injuries indicated in the first reports to understand the client's impairment.


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SKU: 4131558391 ISBN: 9789672676904

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