Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences, 30th Edition (Mainwork & 2nd Supplement)
Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences, 30th Edition (Mainwork & 2nd Supplement)
Author | Kevin McCormac |
Publication Date | Nov 2022 |
ISBN | 9780414091030 |
Format |
Hardcover |
Publisher |
Sweet & Maxwell |
The first supplement to Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences' 30th edition updates the main work to April 1, 2022, and it covers changes to road traffic law following the 30th edition's publication in 2021.
Coverage includes:
- the new "causing serious injury by careless driving" offense, the new "competent and careful driver" test for emergency services, changes to maximum prison sentences, the extension period for those sentenced to terms of imprisonment where release will not be until two thirds of the sentence, and changes to the requirement to produce a driving license when requested.
- the addition of new situations under which it is prohibited to use a mobile phone to Regulation 110 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Usage) Regulations of 1986;
- the CPS's most recent guidelines on what constitutes reckless or dangerous driving;
- Comprehensive analysis of recent legal decisions, including:
- Bowen v Isle of Wight Council [2021] — further examination of when a ‘means of access’ is a ‘road’;
- R. (on the application of Smith-Allison) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (No.2) [2021] – developing the test to be applied when deciding whether a summons should be issued;
- R. (on the application of Ogunsola) v Aylesbury Crown Court [2021] – emphasising again the relevant times limits for summary offences in the context of proceedings in the Crown Court;
- Mansfield v DPP [2021] – confirming that the class of abuse case falling to be decided exclusively in the High Court is very narrow;
- R. v Muhammed [2021] – further exploration of the causative link required in death by driving cases;
- R. v Redding [2021] – sentencing for causing death by careless driving whilst over the specified limit for drugs where there was no proven causal link between the drugs taken and the standard of driving;
- Bendt v CPS [2022] - extent of offence of use of hand held telephone device for offences committed before 25 March 2022;
- R. v Bains [2022]; R. v Morgan [2021] — examining the test to be applied when considering disqualifying an offender under the general powers in s.163 of the Sentencing Code.
Table of Contents of Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences, 30th Edition:
How to use this supplement
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Table of EU Provisions
Updates to Chapters –
1. Definitions
2. Procedure
3. Evidence
5. Dangerous, Careless and Inconsiderate Driving, Etc.
6. Driver Offences
8. Vehicle Offences
9. Protection of Drivers and Passengers
10. Insurance
11. Driving Licences
13. Goods and Passenger Vehicles
18. Custodial and Other Penalties
19. Endorsement and Penalty Points
20. Disqualification
22. Appeals
About the editors:
Attorney and author of Archbold Magistrates' Courts Criminal Practice, Kevin McCormac, O.B.E., M.A. Moreover, Nick Watson, O.B.E., LL.M., M.B.A., District Judge (Magistrates' Courts), Philip Brown, M.A., LL.B., attorney and former Senior Traffic Commissioner, Malcolm Dodds, LL.M., and Peter Veits, District Judge (Magistrates' Courts), edit Wilkinson.
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