The Art Of Cross-Examination (Witness Interrogation Techiniques)
The Art Of Cross-Examination (Witness Interrogation Techiniques)
Author | L. Wellman and Francis L |
Publication Date | 2014 |
ISBN | 9781497466203 |
Format | Softcover |
Publisher | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
[The Law And Criminal Procedure]
Because of the impact it has on the judges' and jury's opinions, cross examination is considered an important part of a jury trial. Few lawyers practise trial law or complicated litigation, therefore such cases are often sent to individuals with the time, money, and experience to handle a complex trial and the dedication required to effectively complete one. Few lawyers get the practise they need to develop the skills they need to effectively cross-examine a witness.
Because an attorney must know exactly how to elicit testimony from the opposing witness that will help, not hurt, their client's case, it is frequently referred to as an art form. A cross-job examiner's is to not only persuade a witness to tell the truth, but also to disclose misunderstanding about the facts, such as time, dates, individuals, places, and terminology. If a witness is not viewed as a bully, a cross-examiner will typically try to damage his or her credibility (such as discrediting a very elderly person or young child).
In many cases, the cross-examiner must discredit a potentially biassed or damaging witness in the eyes of the jury without appearing harsh. To relax the guarded witness, the cross-examiner should appear nice and speak softly and truthfully. Alternatively, the mat may begin by being more confrontational, frightening an already unsettled witness. They usually start by asking the same basic questions in different ways to elicit varied responses, which will subsequently be used against the witness as factual errors when the attorney needs to make a point.
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