Preston & Newsom Limitation of Actions, 4th Edition

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Preston & Newsom Limitation of Actions, 4th Edition By John Weeks QC

Author John Weeks
Publication Date July, 1989
ISBN 9780851215761
Publisher Longman

…from the Preface

The third version of this work was published almost 35 years ago. There have been five key House of Lords judgements, seven recommendations to Parliament, four amendments to the Limitation Act of 1939, a consolidation Act (the Limitation Act 1980), and three amendments to the Limitation Act 1980 throughout that time.

As a result, while the third edition is a work of great research, it is of little use to individuals who want or need to learn about current legislation. Limitation of Actions in Halsbury's Laws of England (4th Edition) is also out of date, having been published before the Limitation Act 1980, the Latent Damage Act 1986, and the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

Since 1959, no general textbook on English limitation law has been produced. The author expects that this version will give at the very least a source for current statutes and, at the very least, some assistance in understanding them. The law is current as of January 1, 1989.

Lincoln's Inn

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SKU: 3742721251 ISBN: 9780851215761

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