Police Act 1967 (Act 344) (As At 25th February 2016)
Police Act 1967 (Act 344)
(As At 25th February 2016)
An Act relating to the organization, discipline, powers and duties of the Royal Malaysia Police and matters incidental thereto.
Detailed Contents Of Police Act 1967 (Act 344) :
The Police Act 1967 (Act 344) is an act of the Parliament of Malaysia that provides for the organization, administration, and control of the police force in Malaysia. The act was first passed in 1967 and has been amended several times since then, with the most recent amendment taking place on 25th February 2016. Here are some of the key provisions of the act:
Establishment of the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP): The act establishes the RMP as the national police force of Malaysia, responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing the law throughout the country.
Composition of the RMP: The act provides for the composition of the RMP, which includes officers, constables, and other members of the force. The act also sets out the qualifications and conditions of service for each rank.
Powers and duties of the RMP: The act sets out the powers and duties of the RMP, which include the prevention and detection of crime, the maintenance of public order, and the protection of life and property.
Control and management of the RMP: The act provides for the control and management of the RMP, which is vested in the Inspector-General of Police (IGP). The IGP is responsible for the direction and supervision of the RMP and has the power to make rules and regulations for the force.
Discipline and punishment: The act provides for the discipline and punishment of members of the RMP who breach the rules and regulations of the force. Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against any member of the force who is found to have committed a breach, and punishments may include dismissal, reduction in rank, or other penalties.
Special powers: The act provides for certain special powers that may be granted to the RMP in certain situations, such as during a state of emergency or when dealing with terrorist activities.
Complaints and investigations: The act provides for the handling of complaints against members of the RMP and for the investigation of such complaints. The act also provides for the establishment of an independent complaints and misconduct commission to investigate complaints against the police.
Overall, the Police Act 1967 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that sets out the framework for the organization, administration, and control of the police force in Malaysia. It establishes the RMP as the national police force and sets out its powers, duties, and responsibilities, as well as the procedures for handling complaints and disciplinary proceedings against its members.
Police Act 1967 (Act 344) Contains:
Police Act 1967 (Act 344)
Police Regulations 1952
Police (Political Activities) Regulations 1954
Police Volunteer Reserve Pay, Allowances and Compensation Rules 1956
Police (Volunteer Reserve) Regulations 1956
Police (Scheme of Service for Inspectors) Regulations 1959
Police (Women Police) Regulations 1961
Police (Leave of Absence) Regulations 1961
Police (Auxiliary Police) (Injuries Compensation) Rules 1967
Royal Malaysia Police Cadet Corps Rules 1969
Police (Auxiliary Police) Regulations 1970
Police (Junior Police Officers and Constables) (Pension) Rules 1971
Police Association Rules 1973
Emergency (Prohibition of Uniforms and Dresses) Regulations 1974
Police Fund Rules 1975
Police (Conduct and Discipline) (Junior Police Officers and Constables) (Repeal) Regulations 2000
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