Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts, 3rd edition


Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts 3rd edition by Anthony Jennings

Author Anthony Jennings
Publication Date September 2021
ISBN 9780414070691
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell Ltd

Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts provides vital insight into the nature, application, and terms of exploration contracts. It allows you to counsel and negotiate at any level of the exploration phase thanks to its realistic view and experienced advice.

  • Provides clause-by-clause analysis of commercial agreements used in gas and oil exploration around the world.
  • Covers all contracts, including those for oilfield services, from the beginning through the end of the exploratory phase.
  • Analyzes potential pitfalls in order to avoid them.
  • Provides practical guidance that can be applied to jurisdictions all over the world.
  • Joint venture agreements, such as joint bidding and joint study agreements, are included.
  • Drilling contracts, rig share agreements, and rig assignments are all covered.
  • Examines acquisition and sale agreements for exploration assets.

CONTENTS of Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts, 3rd edition

1. Background
2. Contracts and the Operator
3. Joint Venture Agreements
4. Agreements for Services
5. Drilling Contracts
6. Transactions
Appendix: Boilerplate Clauses

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SKU: 4095868911 ISBN: 9780414070691

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