Mental Health Act 2001 (Act 615) and Regulations (Hingga 25hb Oktober 2021)
Suatu Akta untuk menyatukan undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan kecelaruan mental dan mengadakan peruntukan bagi kemasukan, penahanan, penginapan, jagaan, rawatan, pemulihan, pengawalan dan perlindungan orang-orang bercelaru mental dan bagi perkara-perkara yang berhubungan dengannya.
Detailed Contents of Mental Health Act 2001 (Act 615):
The Mental Health Act 2001 (Act 615) is a Malaysian law that attempts to offer individuals with mental problems care, treatment, and protection. The Act aims to protect the human rights of those who suffer from mental illnesses and to make sure they get the proper support and care.
The Act guarantees the rights of people with mental illnesses to receive care in the least restrictive environment and to participate in choices regarding their care and treatment. In order to offer care and treatment for people with mental problems, the Act also allows for the development of mental health facilities, such as hospitals and community mental health centres.
The Act also outlines the processes for diagnosing, holding, and treating those with mental illnesses. According to the Act, a trained medical professional must evaluate any person who is going to be held for treatment, and a Mental Health Review Tribunal must approve the detention.
The Act also allows for the appointment of a guardian for someone who suffers from a mental illness and is unable to handle their own affairs. The guardian must act in the person's best interests and with respect for his or her human rights when making decisions on the person with a mental disorder's behalf.
In addition to the Act, there are rules that offer more information on how the Act is being put into practise. The regulations, which were last modified on October 25, 2021, cover topics such the methods for diagnosing and holding people with mental illnesses, the specifications for mental health facilities, and the education and licencing requirements for mental health practitioners.
In addition, the regulations provide for the creation of mental health advisory groups to offer guidance on issues pertaining to mental health and the appointment of mental health officers to oversee and enforce adherence to the Act and the regulations.
It is important to remember that the Mental Health Act of 2001 was passed in response to the rising understanding of the value of mental health and the requirement to guarantee that people with mental disorders receive proper care and treatment. The Act aims to protect the human rights of people with mental illnesses and make sure they get the support and care they require to function at their maximum level and live a high-quality life.
Mental Health Act 2001 (Act 615) Contains:
Akta Kesihatan Mental 2001 (Akta 615)
Mental Health Act 2001 (Act 615)
Peraturan-Peraturan Kesihatan Mental 2010
Mental Health Regulations 2010
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