Law And Practice Of Construction Law In Malaysia

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Law And Practice Of Construction Law In Malaysia By Lim Chong Fong 

Author Lim Chong Fong 
Publication Date 2021
ISBN 9789672723028
Hardcover + eBook / eBook
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


“The chapters look at the construction contract from start to finish, recommending the best legal procedures. This one-of-a-kind book will be extremely beneficial to legal practitioners and law students, as well as construction industry professionals such as project managers, consultants, financiers, insurers, and subcontractors.

I would fully suggest this great work as a beneficial and important guide and reference to individuals who work in this field and others who are unsure whether they should get involved."

From the Foreword by Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan
Judge of the Federal Court of Malaysia

Construction is a long-standing phenomena. Bricks, concrete, mortar, and steel are the foundations of civilisation. As new technology arise in this field, the law has evolved to keep pace. This book is the result of a collaboration amongst professionals with experience in both the legal and practical elements of construction in Malaysia. It is part of the Malaysian Practice Series.

Construction procurement and contracts, design and supervision obligations, quality and defect obligations, variation and extension of time, termination of construction contracts, and the application of the COVID-19 Act 2020 to the construction industry are among the topics covered by their collaboration.

The book examines and compares a variety of standard forms used in the Malaysian building industry. The key examples are offered as illustrations that attempt to explain basic principles in a readily understandable format. The book is essential reading for all construction law practitioners as well as construction professionals in Malaysia, and it includes discussions of recent Malaysian cases and pertinent statutes.

Key Features of Law And Practice Of Construction Law

  • Lawyers and construction industry professionals collaborate to give balanced and detailed coverage of current legal and practical difficulties in Malaysian construction.
  • Important legal principles are made plainly obvious through illustrations of notable instances.
  • An examination and debate of regularly used standard contract formats.
  • Local and international case law, as well as statutory provisions, strongly support the discussion.
  • One chapter is devoted to discussing the COVID-19 Act 2020's impact on construction projects.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS of Law And Practice Of Construction Law In Malaysia

    1. Introduction
    2. An Overview of Construction Law in Malaysia
    3. Statutory Control of the Construction Industry in Malaysia
    4. Construction Procurement and Contracts
    5. Design and Supervision Obligations in Construction
    6. Risk and Management Obligations in Construction
    7. Variation and Changes
    8. Quality and Defect Obligations in Construction
    9. Progress Obligations in Construction
    10. Completion Obligations in Construction
    11. Payment Obligations in Construction
    12. Termination of Construction Contracts
    13. Negligence Associated with Execution of Construction Work
    14. Construction Insolvency
    15. Statutory Adjudication
    16. Arbitration
    17. Litigation in the Construction Court
    18. Construction Mediation
    19. The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Construction Law

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    SKU: 4088236700 ISBN: 9789672723028

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