KC Vohrah - Finding a Footing in the Law
KC Vohrah - Finding a Footing in the Law
Author | Dato’ Karam Chand Vohrah |
Publication Date | 2019 |
ISBN | 9789671635216 |
Format | Hardcover |
Publisher | Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill |
For many people, what starts out as a career in law becomes a lifelong passion. This is because a legal education prepares you to work in a variety of fields. This is exemplified by Dato, Karam Chand Vohrah.
Finding a Footing in the Law is a look into the life and times of a renowned and upright Malaysian who selflessly and resolutely served the country with courage and distinction for many decades. It covered his early years as a student shunted into law after being rejected by a medical school (due to a visual impairment in one eye), his early career at the Bar and later in the judicial and legal services, his service as a judge and appellate judge, life after retirement from the bench as an arbitrator and human rights commissioner, retirement again, and being recalled to serve the country as chairman of the Institutional Reforms Commission.
Never a populist or a self-promoter, a consistent theme emerges from the collection of his speeches and writings, as well as those by others about him, in this book: an unwavering fidelity to the law and what is right, no matter the personal cost.
Section I - Karam Chand Vohrah, In Personam-gives an overall perspective of the man, his birth and origins.
Section II - On Lawyers and Lawyering-As a member of the bar, the author discusses a lawyer's early career as counsel or prosecutor before the courts, grappling with career possibilities, practising skills, ethical issues, and other problems.
Section III - On the judiciary - focuses on the obstacles that judges face, the duties and pressures that individuals who occupy judicial position face, the loneliness that judges face compared to the easy camaraderie at the bar, and the unique challenges that the political atmosphere faced during his 16 years on the court posed.
Section IV - On judging and judges - He discusses the personal aspects of being a judge and pays respect to a number of judges whose company he cherished.
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