Kaedah-Kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah 2018 & Commissioners For Oaths Rules 2018

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Kaedah-Kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah 

Commissioner For Oaths Rules 2018
Akta Akuan Berkanun 1960 (Akta 783) 
Statutory Declarations Act 1960 (Act 783)

(Hingga 1Hb APRIL 2021)

*Note: This book contains both the English and Malay version
*Nota: Buku ini mengandungi kedua-dua versi Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris

Detailed Contents Of Kaedah-Kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah 2018 :

The Commissioners for Oaths Rules 2018 and the Oaths Commissioner Rules 2018 are the two sets of rules that govern commissioners for oaths and the administration of oaths in Malaysia. Here is a detailed explanation of both rules in English:

  1. Commissioners for Oaths Rules 2018: The Commissioners for Oaths Rules 2018 provides guidelines for the appointment of commissioners for oaths, their duties and responsibilities, and the procedure for taking oaths or affirmations. Some of the key provisions of the rules are as follows:
  • Appointment of Commissioners for Oaths: The rules outline the requirements for appointment as a commissioner for oaths, including the qualifications and eligibility criteria.

  • Renewal and Termination of Appointment: The rules state the conditions under which a commissioner's appointment can be renewed or terminated.

  • Duties and Responsibilities of Commissioners for Oaths: The rules specify the duties and responsibilities of commissioners for oaths, which include the administration of oaths, affirmations, and declarations.

  • Procedure for Administering Oaths and Affirmations: The rules outline the procedure for administering oaths and affirmations, including the form and content of the oath or affirmation.

  • Records and Reporting: The rules require commissioners for oaths to keep records of oaths and affirmations administered and report any misconduct or irregularities.

  1. Oaths Commissioner Rules 2018: The Oaths Commissioner Rules 2018 provide guidelines for the appointment of commissioners for oaths and their duties and responsibilities. Some of the key provisions of the rules are as follows:
  • Appointment of Oaths Commissioners: The rules outline the requirements for appointment as an oaths commissioner, including the qualifications and eligibility criteria.

  • Renewal and Termination of Appointment: The rules state the conditions under which an oaths commissioner's appointment can be renewed or terminated.

  • Duties and Responsibilities of Oaths Commissioners: The rules specify the duties and responsibilities of oaths commissioners, which include the administration of oaths, affirmations, and declarations.

  • Procedure for Administering Oaths and Affirmations: The rules outline the procedure for administering oaths and affirmations, including the form and content of the oath or affirmation.

  • Records and Reporting: The rules require oaths commissioners to keep records of oaths and affirmations administered and report any misconduct or irregularities.

Overall, both the Commissioners for Oaths Rules 2018 and the Oaths Commissioner Rules 2018 provide guidelines for the appointment of commissioners for oaths and their duties and responsibilities, as well as the procedure for taking oaths or affirmations. These rules are important in ensuring the integrity and impartiality of the oath-taking process and upholding the rule of law in Malaysia.

Kaedah-Kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah 2018 Contains:

Kaedah-Kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah 2018
Commissioners for Oaths Rules 2018
Akta Akuan Berkanun 1960 (Akta 783)
Statutory Declarations Act 1960 (Act 783)

For more statutes like Kaedah- kaedah Pesuruhjaya Sumpah: Statutes

SKU: 3790230251 ISBN: 9789678928557

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