Judicial Review, 5th Edition By Sir Michael Supperstone

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 Judicial Review, 5th Edition By Sir Michael Supperstone

Author Sir Michael Supperstone, James Goudie Qc & Sir Paul Walker With General Editor Professor Helen Fenwick
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 9789351435075
Publisher Lexis Nexis


Supperstone, Goudie & Walker: Judicial Review, now in its fifth edition, is an authoritative and comprehensive treatise on the entire subject of judicial review. This publication has been fully revised and now includes a team of judicial review experts who provide a deep and extensive study of this complicated area of law. 

 Judicial Review, 5th Edition includes an overview of pertinent cases as well as examples of how the main concepts are applied in a variety of contexts, including local government, town and country planning, immigration and housing, and social security. Supperstone, Goudie, and Walker: Judicial Review is the only title that provides the depth and expertise of guidance required for practitioners to confidently advise and make decisions.

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SKU: 3021468182 ISBN: 9789351435075

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