Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act Compendium


Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act Compendium

Author Ajinderpal Singh, Adriel Chioh Wen Qiang, Alexander Lee Wei
Publication Date November, 2020
ISBN 9789814892537
Format Softcover
Publisher LexisNexis, Singapore


The Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act ("IRDA"), which took effect on July 30, 2020, amended and consolidated Singapore's written laws governing corporate insolvency and bankruptcy while also introducing new provisions aimed at making Singapore a more appealing hub for debt restructuring and cross-border insolvency. The Insolvency, Restructuring, and Dissolution Act Compendium is a succinct commentary that provides an in-depth analysis of the IRDA as well as an exposition of key case law to guide practitioners, in-house lawyers, and corporations through the changes. It will also serve as a helpful resource for additional issue-specific research or research leads.

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act Compendium

Section by section treatment:
1. New act
2. Previous relevant legislation
3. Any Public Recommendation findings relevant to section
4. Practitioner’s comments

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SKU: 3954561666 ISBN: 9789814892537

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