Hudson’s Building And Engineering Contracts, 14th Edition


Hudson’s Building And Engineering Contracts, 14th Edition

Author Nicholas Dennys, Robert Clay, Atkin Chambers
Publication Date March 2021
ISBN 9780414073883
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell


Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts is a thorough update on the law and interpretation of building contracts, based on the authors' breadth of practical, commercial, and legal expertise.

Hudson's is written in a simple and accessible manner, offering instruction to all those who work in the construction business on the practical and commercial realities of construction projects. It is frequently cited in court.

Hudson’s Building And Engineering Contracts Featuring :

  • The legislation governing building contracts is explained and interpreted in detail.
  • The problems that arise from clauses that are commonly used in custom contracts as well as all major conventional construction contracts.
  • Leading UK cases, notable and instructive cases from Commonwealth countries, and noteworthy judgements not published elsewhere.
  • Discussions about important construction law issues that have a lot of clout.
  • The uncertainties and difficulties that frequently arise when it comes to contract interpretation and application

    New to this edition of Hudson’s Building And Engineering Contracts:

    • The implicit duties of the Contractor and the Employer have been re-examined.
    • A new overview of construction-related insurance has been released.
    • Cases that have been adjudicated for a long time have been updated extensively.
    • A new look at quality obligations
    • On termination, there is a discussion of quantum meruit recovery.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS of Hudson’s Building And Engineering Contracts

    Chapter 1 - General Principles of Law
    Chapter 2 - Construction Professionals
    Chapter 3 - Construction Contracts
    Chapter 4 - Certificates and Defects
    Chapter 5 - Price and Variations
    Chapter 6 - Time for Performance and the Consequences of Delay
    Chapter 7 - Damages and Remedies
    Chapter 8 - Termination Vesting and Seizure
    Chapter 9 - Assignments, Sub-contracts and Trade Contracts
    Chapter 10 - Insurance, Indemnities, Guarantees and Bonds
    Chapter 11 - Adjudication and Consequences of Insolvency

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    SKU: 1665175699 ISBN: 9780414073883

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