Employment Law in Malaysia (E-Book)

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Employment Law in Malaysia (E-Book) 

Author Sharifah Suhanah Syed Ahmad
Publication Date
February, 2016
ISBN 9789674005252
Format E-Book
Publisher LexisNexis


The history of labour relations in Malaysia is covered in this book, with a focus on migrant workers, trade unions, and early legislative solutions to these problems. With an emphasis on current concerns like obligations and the employer-employee relationship, changes in how people work, and how they have sparked a change in the judicial attitude towards a worker's legal status and rights, the author offers rights-based labour jurisprudence in a practical way.

The extent of employment protection, including statutory rights and obligations, as well as key employment law topics like termination of employment, unjust dismissal, and constructive dismissal are carefully analysed and succinctly explained. It successfully gives a great historical and evolutional basis in a perfect mix of themes relating to the contemporary landscape, in particular in Malaysia. It is designed to present a comprehensive picture of the condition of Employment Law in Malaysia today.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Contract of Service
Chapter 3: Terms and Conditions of the Contract of the Employment
Privacy and the Workplace
Statutory Rights and Obligations
Discharge of the Contract of Employment
Unfair Dismissal
Trade Unions and the Law
Industrial Action
Public Law in Private Employment
Judicial Review
Knowledge, Innovation and Creative

SKU: 4178931266 ISBN: 9789674005252

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