Caveat System in Sarawak, 4th Edition
Caveat System in Sarawak, 4th Edition
Author | Dr Andrew Chew Peng Hui |
Publication Date | Oct 2012 |
ISBN | 9789670498058 |
Format |
Hardcover |
Publisher | Sweet & Maxwell |
A caveat warns persons who wish to conduct business with a property owner that the property is subject to other claims. It's a frequent method used in everyday land conveyancing and registration to protect alleged and proved interests in property, as well as interests that haven't yet become genuine interests in land.
This book is for attorneys who deal with land matters in Sarawak. Because Sarawak's processes differ from those in Peninsular Malaysia, the book seeks to provide practical answers to the problems. The study and discussion of caveatable interests in a number of transactional situations will be extremely beneficial to practitioners.
This revised version of the book incorporates the most recent developments in case law.
Readership: Legal practitioners; judges; court officials; academics.
Jurisdiction: Malaysia
CONTENTS of Caveat System in Sarawak
- System of Private Caveats
- Removal of Private Caveats
- Damages for Wrongful Caveat
- The Registrar’s Caveats
- Analogous Procedures
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