Misconduct in Employment By B.R. Ghaiye
Misconduct in Employment By B.R. Ghaiye and J.K. Verma
Author | B.R. Ghaiye and J.K. Verma |
Publication Date | 2018 |
ISBN | 9789351450252 |
Format |
Hardcover |
Publisher | Eastern Book Company |
B.R. Ghaiye's Misconduct in Employment, now in its third edition, is a legal classic on the subject, addressing every imaginable facet of the complicated subject of 'Misconduct' from a winder standpoint.
Dr. J.K. Verma has extensively reviewed and updated the current 3rd edition of this comprehensive work in light of developing new concepts and changes in judicial thinking that have occurred in the recent three decades. Up to June 2014, all Supreme Court and High Court judgments/orders had been reported. Appendices contain statutory rules such as the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control, and Appeal) Rules, 1965; Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964; Certified Standing Orders, and so on.
Notable Features:- The rules, regulations, and practises in public and private employment have been explored individually.
- The Sastry Award and the Desai Award, which control bank workers, are discussed.
- The work assists in dealing with all types of 'Misconduct' cases, particularly those involving technology and its dangers.
- Sexual Harassment of Women at Work (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redress) is extensively explored.
- A sample CHARGE-SHEET is provided at the end of each chapter to aid in the preparation of a Charge Sheet against an employee.
- The author has provided practical advice on how to cope with strikes, lockouts, and riots, among other things.
- All legal propositions are written in a plain and practical language that even a layman may understand.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Misconduct in Employment By J.K Verma
Part I
1. Employment
2. General Nature of Misconduct
Part II
3. Constitutional Provisions Relating to
Government Service
4. Conduct Rules
5. Punishment
Part III
6. Industrial Employment
7. Rules Governing Conditions of Service in
Industrial Employment
xii B.R. Ghaiye’s Misconduct in Employment
Part IV
8. Misconduct and Conduct Rules
9. Absenteeism and Disobedience
10. Acts Harmful to the Interest of the Employer
11. Negligence at Work
12. Strike/Go-slow as Misconduct
13. Misconducts Involving Dishonesty
14. Acts Subversive of Discipline
15. Punishment and Remedies
Part V
I. Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964
II. Central Civil Services (Classification,
Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965
III. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Act, 1946
IV. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Central Rules, 1946
V. Sastry Award, 1952
VI. Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct,
Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002
VII. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013
VIII. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
IX. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013
Brief Contents xiii
X. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and MRTU
and PULP Act, 1971 (Schedules)
XI. Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
XII. Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959
XIII. Company Secretaries Act, 1980
XIV. Rajasthan State Road Transport
Workers & Workshop Employees Standing
Orders, 1965 (Corrected up to
31st March 1979)
XV. Standing Orders of Steel Authority of
India Ltd., Bokaro
XVI. Certified Standing Orders for Workmen of
Establishments under BCCL, Dhanbad
XVII. National Coal Wage Agreement IX
Subject Index
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