A Guide to Malaysian Takeovers and Mergers Law


A Guide to Malaysian Takeovers and Mergers Law By Author Mushera Ambaras Khan

Author Mushera Ambaras Khan
Publication Date May 2013
ISBN 9789670498171
Format  Hardcover 
Publisher Sweet & Maxwell Asia


Malaysian Takeovers and Mergers Law is an essential in an active and dynamic equities market. This is because takeovers and mergers frequently involve enormous sums of money and involve multiple parties. Efficient regulation of this activity is critical for the market's health and confidence.

The Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 and the Malaysian Code on Takeovers and Mergers contain regulations and requirements in this regard. Rhe Securities Commission oversees compliance with these regulations.

Given the technical and sophisticated nature of takeover and mergers legislation. This book is an excellent resource for understanding and applying the law. The topic is approached in a practical manner to reflect commercial realities.

Compliance with the Code, voluntary and mandatory offers, acceptance level, offer and settlement period, triggering of mandatory offer, exemptions from obligation to make mandatory offer, role of the board of directors, acquisition of minority shares, and the right of the dissenting minority shareholder are all topics covered in this book. Furthermore, where relevant, references to English and Australian materials are used to offer further depth to the subject.
Company directors, in-house counsel, investment advisers, practitioners and students of company law, and company secretaries will benefit much from this book (A guide to Malaysian Takeovers and Mergers), which is written in a concise and easy-to-read language.

Readership of A Guide to Malaysian Takeovers and Mergers Law:

Company secretaries, company directors, in-house counsel, investment advisers, practitioners and students of company law

Jurisdiction: Malaysia

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SKU: 3936464309 ISBN: 9789670498171

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